Welcome to our FAQ page! We understand that things can get confusing, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned streamer. Here, we've provided answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you're still feeling lost, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll make sure to help you sort everything out.

General Questions

Why do .webm files look weird when I view them?

.webm files are designed with transparency to be easily placed over other sources in your stream setup. As a result, they may appear unusual or have a black background when viewed separately. Rest assured, once added to your streaming software, they will display correctly.

Stream Alerts (How to)

Streamlabs + OBS

Streamlabs Desktop

Tutorial (Coming Soon) - very similar to the Streamlabs+OBS (Tutorial)

StreamElements + OBS

Transitions (How to)


Tutorial (Coming Soon)

Streamlabs Desktop

Tutorial (Coming Soon)

Decorations (How to)


Tutorial (Coming Soon)

Streamlabs Desktop

Tutorial (Coming Soon)