Stream Alerts with StreamElements + OBS: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn how to easily integrate StreamElements alerts into your OBS setup to enhance your live streaming experience with engaging notifications for followers, subscribers, and more.
- This video / tutorial assumes that you already know how to stream using OBS- You have created an account with StreamElements.
When you first log into StreamElements you will be taken to the dashboard. Navigate to the Overlays setion
- Now click NEW OVERLAY or EDIT to edit your existing overlay. We will click NEW OVERLAY for this example.
- If you are creating this overlay for the first time a box will appear asking for you 'Overlay resolution' - Leave this at 1080p unless you know you need something else. Click START
Now it's time to add the alert box. Click ADD WIDGET or the '+' symbol to add an AlertBox
Great! Now we have an AlertBox but the size is not set to full screen yet. Mostly all of the stream alerts we sell are full screen alerts so we will need to set the size.
Click Position, size and style.
- Set the Width to 1920 PX and the Height to 1080 PX
Click Settings
Click the gear next to 'Cheer alert'
Tip: By default all of the alert types will be checked. This is where you can add alerts for different events (raids, followers, tips, etc.) For this tutorial we are focusing on Cheer Alerts. You may want to turn the other alert types off for now by unchecking the boxes until you are ready to edit them.
Almost there! It's time to add the stream alert but we need to make a decision here.
Option 1: When a user donates bits do you want the same alert for every donation?
Option 2: Would you like different alerts for different amounts? (our preferred option)
By default StreamElements has set up a few Variations which we either need to disable or edit depending on your individual goal.
Option 1: One Alert for All
Click Variations
- Click the gear next to each variation
- Then click DELETE for each one
- Finally, Click Variation Settings to go back to the main Cheer Alert Settings
Now it's time to set up the alert
then select your .webm stream alert - Shop Now
Now decide if you want to keep or change the sound
To remove - Click CLEAR SOUND
To replace - Click UPLOAD SOUND
In order for the alert to work as a fullscreen alert we need to change the layout to 'Text over image'.
The alert is nearly finished. At this point you can click EMULATE > Cheer event from the middle toolbar to see the alert in action. But you may notice the Alert Message has been pushed off screen or is not exactly where you want it. Lets move it.
click Text settings
On this page you can play with the text settings (font, color, etc.)
But we need to click ADVANCED to change the position
We need to change the 'Margin'
Start by changing the Top to something like '200' in order to get it on the screen
Click EMULATE>Cheer Alert to see a preview
*You can see a faint preview where the text will be.
Keep adjusting the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left until you are happy with the text placement.
One final step! We need to add the alerts to OBS.
Copy the Overlay URL by clicking the link at the top right
Now lets head over to OBS
Add a Browser Source
- Paste the URL
- Set the Width and Height to 1920x1080
-Click OK!
Done! Everything should be working now. Feel free to play around with the colors and other settings inside StreamElements and OBS. Happy Streaming!